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Monthly Update: January 2017

Monthly Update: January 2017

Monthly Update: January 2017

We hope that you've all had a great start to the new year and are still following through with your New Year resolutions!  This month has been especially exciting here at 4 Purpose Energy, and we wanted to share the big news with all of you!

To date, we have raised over $890 toward our $35,000 goal! We are continuing to make progress and our daily rate of money raised towards our campaign goal to build a school for children, through an awesome organization called Pencils of Promise, continues to grow every day.

We've also hosted successful sampling events in different stores in the Boston area, and if you follow us on Instagram (if not, you should start), you can see pictures and locations of the events. We had the pleasure of meeting and sharing 4 Purpose Energy with hundreds of Bostonians at the Gourmet Boutique located outside the Westin in Copley Mall. The event coincided with the Women's March, so we had the opportunity to re-energize participants as they passed through the mall. We also did an in-store sampling event at Russo’s in Watertown, MA. They carry high quality produce, organic food, and of course, 4 Purpose Energy. We had a great time sharing our drink with shoppers. We are now growing faster than ever, as people discover the refreshing taste of 4 Purpose Energy. This month our team grew, as we brought on a new full-time player to the 4 Purpose Energy team. For our online customers, we have now made it possible for you to put your re-orders of 4 Purpose Energy on autopilot through Amazon’s subscribe and save option for the 24 count case. Autopilot and savings, what is better than that! In local Massachusetts news, we have officially made it into the heart of Boston and have been laser focused on making 4 Purpose Energy available in stores throughout the Boston area. If we are not yet offered at your favorite cafe, restaurant, or convenient store, please let us know and we will make that happen!

We have also connected with more fans of 4 Purpose Energy this month. Thank you for all the emails, tweets, and snaps! The feedback we have been receiving is really appreciated! Please continue to send in and share your pictures and feedback with us on Instagram (@4PurposeEnergy), Twitter (@4PurposeEnergy) Snapchat (PurposeEnergy), or on Facebook!   

 Cheers to your health!

 The 4 Purpose Energy Team